Understand Safari Tier Ratings & Experiences In Zambia | Why Visit Zambia For Your Safari Vacation Or Holidays In Africa
Medical services are underdeveloped and only in Lusaka, Ndola and Livingstone can you find anything resembling western standards. There are a number of small clinics in Lusaka which are better than the general hospitals, but the clinics in the rural areas have little more than quinine, aspirin and band aids.
Private medical rescue services are offered by Specialty Emergency Services with the use of small air charter airlines or road ambulances are available. See more information on their website: http://www.ses-zambia.com/
A yellow fever certificate is mandatory if you are traveling from an infected area. Check with the Zambian consulate when applying for your visa for the most updated entry details or the Centers For Disease Control website.
Cholera vaccination certificate is no longer a condition of entry to Zambia. However, it is highly recommended to take precautions against this disease. Vaccinations for tetanus are advised.
Malaria is a serious threat especially to people who have no resistance against it. African Medical Research Foundation strongly recommends the use of prophylactic drugs. Please visit your local health care provider or hospital to obtain medication and advice.
Hepatitis information can be received form your local Center For Disease Control or hospital.
Travel Insurance
Your medical insurance is not always valid outside the United States, United Kingdom or your country of origin; please check with your specific H.M.O or related medical facilitator. Zambia doctors and hospitals often expect immediate cash payment for health services. Uninsured travelers who require medical care overseas may face extreme difficulties.
Please check with your own insurance company to confirm whether your policy applies overseas, including provision for medical evacuation and for adequacy of coverage. Serious medical problems requiring hospitalization and/or medical evacuation to your home country can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Please ascertain whether payment will be made to the overseas hospital or doctor or if you will be reimbursed later for expenses that you incur.
Personal Wellness
Please note that the information below is not intended to be medical advice; it is purely informational. AfricanMecca will not be held accountable for situations arising from the use or abuse of it.
Since visiting Africa is an experience of lifetime, you do not want to miss the best days not feeling well. We recommend packing other over the counter medication like:
Painkillers for headaches, pains and other related aches.
Anti-diarrhea medication, like Imodium A.D, is highly recommended.
Suntan lotion.
Muscle relaxing vapo-rub.
Anti-nausea medicine.
Indigestion medicine like Pepcid A.C.
Best quality insect repellant spray or lotion.
A tube of antibiotic first aid healer like Neosporin, for small nicks and cuts.
Sanitary pads.
Lip balm to prevent chapped lips.
There are pharmacies in all major centers but a visitor requiring special and continuing medication should bring sufficient quantities to cover the visit. The sun can be deceptive and can inflict severe burns even on an overcast day. Precautions against overexposure to the sun are advised particularly at the coast where reflection from the water and the white sand increase the sun’s intensity.
To prevent the contraction of HIV, for your own safety, please refrain from accepting sexual advances/favors or any physical relationships with persons whose past is unfamiliar to you.